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People For Nuclear Disarmament (PND)


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Hiroshima Day MArch 2011
People For Nuclear Disarmament (PND) is an organization dedicated to eliminating the threat of nuclear war. As a group we have been active in Australia since 1960 and have a significant presence in the world's disarmament movement. 

PND's objective is to inspire, and mobilise public opinion in support of disarmament and peace with the necessary safeguards assured by international agreements.

Feel free to browse this website and to contact us.

We are looking for more help and we would welcome you if you want to get involved.

Photo: Hiroshima Day March 2011, Sydney.
Credit: Nicole Eggers.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 15 December 2021 03:05

Nuclear Madness

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Castle Bravo Nuclear TestEarly in the morning on March 1, 1954, the hydrogen bomb, code named Bravo, was detonated on the surface of the reef in the northwestern corner of Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. The area was illuminated by a huge and expanding flash of blinding light. A raging fireball of intense heat, that measured into the millions of degrees, shot skyward at a rate of 300 miles an hour. Within minutes the monstrous cloud, filled with nuclear debris, shot up more than 20 miles and generated winds hundreds of miles per hour. (1)

Shortly thereafter, it began to snow white ash and the islands water supply became brackish. Children played in the fallout; their mothers watched in horror as night came and they began to show the physical signs of exposure. The people experienced severe vomiting and diarrhea, their hair began to fall out, the island fell into a state of terrified panic. (1)

Whilst great strides have been made in reducing the world's nuclear stockpile from the 60,000 warheads at the peak of the Cold War in the 1960's, much still needs to be done to remove this madness altogether.

Even a small nuclear war with the types of atomic weapons now in use risks plunging the Earth into a nuclear winter destroying life as we know it. Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D) is still the order of the day.

Meanwhile the US, Russia, and China are modernizing their nuclear weapons so they are even more deadlier.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 December 2021 04:39

No First Use And Nuclear Risk Reduction

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'Don't even think about starting a nuclear war' outside the US embassy in Prague
The concern over the immediate-term risks of nuclear war has spiked over the most recent years reaching a peak with the announcement in 2020 that the Doomsday Clock, the nearest thing we have to a real barometer of the risk that nuclear weapons will be used by accident or (God forbid) by design, was to be set at 100 seconds to 'midnight', where 'midnight' represents of course, the apocalypse. 
No First Use (NFU) is an obvious way in which states with large nuclear arsenals (the US and Russia with over 90% of the worlds nuclear warheads, and increasingly India-Pakistan and China) – can make escalation of conventional conflicts to the level of nuclear warfare less likely. If one side agrees not to shoot first, and the other side does likewise, then in theory at least, the exchange of nuclear weapons ought never to take place.
Last Updated on Sunday, 12 December 2021 19:01

International Day For The Total Elimination Of Nuclear Weapons September 26th

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altGlobal Warming will take about 100-150 years to make the planet uninhabitable for humans if we don't do anything about it.
Nuclear weapons can make the world uninhabitable in 45-90 minutes, and do it out of computer error.
There are upwards of a dozen occasions on which the world has come close to a massive nuclear launch that would of sent us to a parallel universe where it is cold and dark and humans aren't there any more.
The ultimate fix is of course, to eliminate nuclear weapons altogether. 
Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 02:12

Could Ukraine Crisis Escalate to Nuclear War?

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Could Ukraine Crisis Escalate to Nuclear War?

Maybe, Maybe Not. Do We Want to Find Out?

There is at least a possibility, however small (and it may not be small at all) that the current crisis over Ukraine, in which up to 175,000 Russian troops have massed not far from Ukraine's borders, could escalate into nuclear war. Whether or not that takes place depends on a number of factors: Massive involvement by NATO and/or the US would make it more likely to do so. Foolish and escalatory comments by leaders on either side, leading to alerting and/or deployment of nuclear weapons systems could do so. Miscalculation, or malfunction or mistake on either side could set off an escalatory sequence.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 December 2021 20:34